Also in Arkansas Catholic’s Oct. 11 issue

The following are among stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Pope: Knowing Scripture vital to evangelization
ROME (CNS) -— At a Mass to open the world Synod of Bishops on the Bible, Pope Benedict XVI said knowledge of Scripture was essential to the Church’s evangelizing mission in an increasingly godless society.

Arkansas native worked in Texas for 18 years
Sister Carmela “Pilar” Montalvo, MCDP, a former member of St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith, died Aug. 12. She was 85.(Obituaries)

Study: Industrial farming takes money from rural areas
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— A new study said that industrial farming practices — also known as confined animal feeding operations, or CAFOs — take more money away from rural communities than they leave behind, and leave less money in rural areas than do smaller, family-run farms.

What would Jesus do? Paper looks at morality in the Bible
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— Even when it comes to morality, Catholics are not biblical fundamentalists, although they view the Bible as an important source of moral guidance, said top Catholic scholars.

Government removes cross in Vietnam
(CNS) A security officer (in brown poncho) removes the cross at the site of the former Vatican embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam, Sept. 25. The local authorities have nearly completed a tree park being constructed at the site, despite protests from the Vietnamese Catholic community demanding the return of the site to the Church.

This October quiz focuses on terms that begin with “O,” “C” and “T.”
1. Which young Roman became the Augustus whose census drove Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem? a. Octillo b. Octavian c. Octto the Great (Seeds of Faith)

Higher Ed ’08
Special advertising supplement: Catholic Colleges and Universities

Catholic higher education not just for rich
LA CROSSE, Wis. (CNS) -— A myth persists that Catholic higher education is only for the wealthy and that public colleges and universities are the sole option for students coming from middle-and low-income families.

Catholic colleges take steps to go green
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Catholic colleges and universities are joining their public counterparts in pursuing green initiatives for their campuses using a variety of resources, offices and organizations.

Books on young adults offer hopeful future
What’s the future of the Catholic Church in the U.S.? Are the treasures of Catholic prayer and worship and theology (including Catholic social teaching) put into practice or even understood by most Catholics? Will misinformation, uninspiring liturgy, discouraged clergy, scandal and division from within lead youths elsewhere? These questions are addressed to varying degrees in three books of interest to parish ministers and people in the pew. (CNS Book Review)

Documentary tells St. Francis’, St. Clare’s legacy
NEW YORK (CNS) -— The year 2009 will mark a significant milestone in the long history of the Franciscan spiritual community: the 800th anniversary of this now-worldwide movement’s initial endorsement by the highest authority in the Church, the powerful and far-seeing pope of St. Francis’ day, Innocent III.

We are powerless, but Jesus restores our hope
I feel powerless. This year’s presidential election seems to be based even less on reason and conviction than usual, and conversations regarding the major party candidates seem to slip quickly into emotional defenses of one’s opinion rather than a real give-and-take on issues. (Columns)

Some state, federal bills would reverse progress
Catholics across the United States will again celebrate Respect Life Month throughout October. Catholic parishes and organizations will sponsor hundreds of educational conferences, prayer services and opportunities for public witness, as well as events to raise funds for programs assisting those in need. (Opinions)

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Free-throw contest

Two Knights of Columbus councils are hosting free-throw contests Sunday, Jan. 26. Council 18219 at Immaculate…