The following are among stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.
Faith and freedom Freed Colombian hostage Ingrid Betancourt meets Pope Benedict XVI in a private audience at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Sept. 1. (CNS photo)
Catholic leaders laud Gov. Sarah Palin for supporting life WASHINGTON (CNS) -— Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, selected by Sen. John McCain Aug. 28 as his vice-presidential running mate, won the praise of Catholic leaders earlier this year for embracing the arrival of her fifth child, born with Down syndrome in April.
Three years after Katrina, historian collects stories of life NEW ORLEANS (CNS) -— So what really happened in New Orleans in the twilight-zone days immediately following Hurricane Katrina?
Catholic Bible shaped over the centuries, scholars say WASHINGTON (CNS) -— When Catholics think of the Bible, they often imagine a leather-bound book. (CNS, Word of God series)
Retirement years: The next adventure Ask Emily Kimball of Richmond, Va., what she thinks some retirement pitfalls are and she reels off several, from “not having figured out your finances, so that you are perpetually worried about the future,” to “having too much time on your hands and ending up watching TV four or five hours a day.” (CNS, Senior Living section)
Don’t let seniors be ‘invisible’ Have you noticed there are people who are invisible to us or merely in our peripheral vision? Sometimes it’s the young, sometimes it’s the disabled and sometimes it’s the elderly. (Senior Living section)
Growing more corn for ethanol not easy as it sounds I thought about a new reality TV show called, “Can You Budget?” It begins with several families receiving a specific amount of money to spend for one month. They are given the usual expenses and a few surprises, such as a broken window or a blown-out car tire, thrown in as a challenge. (Columns)
Voters say faith less important, but more visible WASHINGTON (CNS) -— Although millions of people tuned in recently to watch Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama talk about how their religious faith affects their political views, a new public opinion poll found that American voters increasingly are uncomfortable when politicians talk about their religion. (Analysis)
Two books can help answer Catholics’ spiritual questions One of the welcome signs of modern pastoral outreach has occurred through the initiative of Pope Benedict XVI to dialogue with groups large and small. From 2005 to 2007, the pontiff met with children before their first Communion, youth groups from Rome and the rest of Italy, and priests from the Italian dioceses of Rome, Albano, Treviso and Belluno and Feltre.