Also in Arkansas Catholic’s June 21 issue

The following are among stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Pope wants Tridentine Mass in each parish, official says
LONDON (CNS) -— Pope Benedict XVI would like every Catholic parish in the world to celebrate a regular Tridentine-rite Mass, a Vatican cardinal has said.

Russert remembered for his love of Church, faithfulness
WASHINGTON (CNS) — NBC News Washington bureau chief and “Meet the Press” moderator Tim Russert, who died June 13 at the age of 58, was remembered for his warm lifelong ties to the Catholic Church and his support for Catholic education as well as for his career covering politics.

Parish ministry starts with a $150,000 grant
The development of a parish social ministry program is an effort by the Diocese of Little Rock through Catholic Charities to assist parishes in living out the Church’s social teaching, which calls us to recognize the fundamental dignity of all human life at every stage. (Catholic Charities Connections section)

Community unites to help Iraqi refugees
SPRINGDALE -— Wars, violent struggle and forced migrations of peoples are something most of us only read about in the paper. Or watch on television. In April, Catholic Charities of Arkansas got a glimpse of the human side of war up close, in the form of the Al Azzawi family who are refugees of war-torn Bagdad and were recently helped to resettle in Fayetteville. (Catholic Charities Connections section)

New shrine in Tulsa honors the patron saint of immigrants
TULSA, Okla. (CNS) -— In response to seven months of living with one of the toughest immigration laws in the nation, a predominantly Hispanic parish in Tulsa has established a diocesan shrine to St. Toribio Romo, considered by many to be the patron saint of immigrants.

Faith can have a positive role in this interdependent world, Blair says
NEW YORK (CNS) -— If religious faith is an instrument of peaceful coexistence rather than a countervailing force, it will play a profoundly positive role in the interdependent world of the 21st century, Tony Blair said as he announced the launch of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation May 30.

Pure pope: Ten texts help understand his mission, ministry
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -— If there’s one thing people learned about Pope Benedict XVI during his U.S. visit, it’s that he’s got content.

St. Gaetano reunites two families although an ocean apart
PHILADELPHIA (CNS) -— Not many people can say they have a cousin for a saint. But Justin Catanoso can, and he writes about it in his first book, “My Cousin the Saint: A Search for Faith, Family and Miracles,” published this May by William Morrow.

Saul the persecutor becomes an apostle of Jesus Christ
Paul, also known as Saul of Tarsus, had been a firebrand of faith long before he became the outspoken apostle to the Gentiles. (Seeds of Faith)

Grow in faith while saving money on gas
With gas at $4 per gallon, I’m not driving anywhere this summer. Not if I can help it. Maybe that is a good thing. (Columns)

Can presidential candidates corral ‘Catholic vote’?
WASHINGTON (CNS) -— With the two major parties’ nominees for president apparently decided and attention turning to their vice-presidential choices, an old question inevitably arises in certain circles — how to corral the “Catholic vote” in November. (Opinions)

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