Also in Arkansas Catholic’s May 31 issue

The following are among stories and columns that appeared only in the print and complete online editions of Arkansas Catholic. To read what you’re missing, subscribe today.

Chicago man attends Mass at 365 parishes around the world
CHICAGO (CNS) -— David Heimann’s dream was to spend 365 days in 365 different places, each destination a new opportunity to experience Christ made flesh in our world today.

Battle of angels in heaven is described in Book of Revelation
Q. In my grade school days, the nuns told us the story of an angel named Lucifer, whose name means “light-bearer” and who was very close to God, but this angel got the idea he was better than God. Lucifer gathered a bunch of rogue angels and rebelled. They were banished to the nether regions, thus creating hell. Is there reference to this battle, apparently between the devil (Satan) and God, in the Bible? (Seeds of Faith)

Compassion makes us glad to be Christians
In March, St. Mary Parish in Yonkers, N.Y., hosted a program that enabled 2,402 immigrants from Mexico to get identification documents. (Columns)

A mother’s sacrificial gift: Saving Baby Piper
Nicole and Dave Adams of Lakeland, N.Y., were thrilled with the news of their second pregnancy. Shortly after learning the good news, however, Nicole experienced weeks of vomiting and intense headaches. (Opinions)

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