Each week a new question is posed to visitors of www.arkansas-catholic.org in The Arkansas Catholic Poll. Check this page for poll results each week, and answer the new poll on our front page. Arkansas Catholic’s weekly question is not a scientific poll. The results do not indicate the position of the newspaper or of the Diocese of Little Rock.
Make room for a child?
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning March 20, 2008, asked, “Have you ever raised a child in your home, for long- or short-term, who was not yours by birth?”
No: 62 percent
Yes, I adopted a child: 15 percent
The remaining 23 percent had raised a grandchild, other relative or foster child.
Catholic sports fans
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning March 13, 2008, asked, “Have you attended a Catholic school sporting event (for any age or level) in the past 12 months?”
57 percent: Yes
43 percent: No
CASA kicks off
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning March 6, 2008, asked, “Did you make a gift to Catholic Arkansas Sharing Appeal (CASA) last year?”
40 percent: Yes, and I will also give this year
60 percent: No, and I can’t/won’t be giving this year
Confident stewardship
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Feb. 28, 2008, asked, “How do you feel about the amount of money you give to the Church and charity?”
43 percent: I’m confident I give the right amount.
21 percent: I probably give an appropriate amount, but I’m not always sure.
29 percent: I give some, but not as much as I think I should give.
7 percent gave other responses.
Supporting Komen for the Cure?
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Feb. 21, 2008, asked, “Have you ever donated money to Susan G. Komen for the Cure or participated in the Race for the Cure?”
Yes, but I won’t do it again: 26 percent
Yes, and I will again in the future: 60 percent
No, but I might some day: 6 percent
No, and I don’t plan to: 9 percent
Storm plan
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Feb. 14, 2008, asked, “If you were at home and a tornado warning was issued, where would you go?”
My closet, hall or bathroom: 50 percent
A storm shelter at my home: 17 percent
I don’t know: 17 percent
Other: 17 percent. One person said “nearby reinforced concrete parking deck.”
Sundays of Lent
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Feb. 7, 2008, asked, “We say Lent lasts 40 days, but it is really 46 days, including Sundays. During Lent do you keep your Lenten intentions (fasting, prayer, sacrifice, etc.) on Sundays?”
21 percent said always
43 percent said sometimes
36 percent said never
Adding on for Lent
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Jan. 31, 2008, asked, “Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 6 this year, and marks 40 days of preparation for Easter. What will you do in observance of Lent this year?”
Special or additional prayer: 93 percent
Fasting and abstinence on the prescribed days: 86 percent
Acts of penance and self-denial: 50 percent
Acts of charity and almsgiving: 43 percent
Fasting and/or abstinence on additional days: 14 percent
One person commented he or she will do “acts of kindness (and) good deeds.”
Voting on life
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Jan. 24, 2008, asked, “How much do candidates’ stands on life issues influence your vote in the Feb. 5 primary elections?”
69 percent said, “Life issues influence my vote strongly, but other issues also apply.”
31 percent responded, “My vote is entirely based on the candidates’ stands on life issues.”
Marching for Life
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Jan. 17, 2008, asked, “A story in this week’s paper notes that the Mass for Life and March for Life will be held Jan. 20 in Little Rock. What’s your involvement in these events?”
No one who answered the poll attended this year’s Mass for Life and March for Life.
20 percent said. “I will not or did not attend this year, but I have attended the Mass and/or March in previous years.”
80 percent said. “I have never attended the Mass or March for Life.”
The future of St. Joseph Home?
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Jan. 10, 2008, asked, “The diocese must sell St. Joseph Home, the historic former orphanage property, to reduce expenses. Msgr. J. Gaston Hebert, diocesan administrator, said the diocese will hold off selling until March 1, in hopes that an ’interested Catholic’ buyer will come forward with plans to keep Catholic ties to the building and land. If you could buy St. Joseph Home, what would you do with it?”
Renovate the building for residential use such as condos or apartments: 40 percent
Renovate the building as a monastery or retreat center: 40 percent
Other: 20 percent. One person suggested: “Renovate the building for a co-ed Catholic high school as primary use, with possible retreat center.”
New Year’s Resolutions
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Jan. 3, 2008, asked, “Many people make resolutions for the new year. What about you?”
60 percent said, “I make new year’s resolutions and always or usually keep them.”
20 percent said, “I don’t make new year’s resolutions, but I make other resolutions during the year.”
20 percent said, “I don’t make resolutions.”
Holidays and holy days
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Dec. 19, 2007, asked, “December and early January are filled with events and commemorations, some specifically Catholic and some not. Which of these have you or will you celebrate in some way?”
Feast of St. Nicholas (Dec. 6): 33 percent
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Dec. 8): 60 percent
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12): 20 percent
Christmas (Dec. 25): 93 percent
New Year’s Eve (Dec. 31): 47 percent
New Year’s Day (Jan. 1): 60 percent
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God (Jan. 1): 67 percent
Epiphany of the Lord (Jan. 6): 67 percent
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Dec. 13, 2007, asked, “A foundation whose entire work is done by volunteers is the subject of a story in this week’s Arkansas Catholic. How much time do you spend on volunteer work, on average?”
11 percent said none
11 percent said 1 to 2 hours a month
22 percent said 3 to 5 hours a month
33 percent said 6 to 11 hours a month
22 percent said 12 or more hours a month
Cursillo returns
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Dec. 6, 2007, asked, “Cursillo weekends for English-speaking Catholics will soon be available again in the Diocese of Little Rock. What’s your level of interest in Cursillo?”
17 percent said, “I have attended a Cursillo retreat, and stayed involved.”
25 percent said, “I have attended a Cursillo retreat, but have not recently been involved.”
17 percent said, “I have not attended a Cursillo retreat, but I am interested for the future.”
17 percent said, “I have not attended a Cursillo retreat, and I’m not interested.”
And finally, 25 percent asked, “What’s Cursillo?”
Advent at home
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Nov. 29, 2007, asked,, “Dec. 2 is the first Sunday in Advent. Will you use an Advent calendar or wreath in your home this month?”
60 percent said no
40 percent said yes
U.S. Action in Iraq
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll beginning Nov. 21, 2007, asked, “In a statement during their Nov. 12-15 general meeting, the U.S. bishops issued a statement calling the situation in Iraq “unacceptable and unsustainable.” Which course of action do you believe is right for the U.S. in Iraq?”
37 percent say, “Set up goals for the Iraqi government with penalties for failing to reach them. Withdraw U.S. troops as those goals are met over the course of two to three years.”
16 percent say, “Keep a full complement of U.S. troops in Iraq to fight until the insurgents are defeated and Iraq is stable.”
16 percent say, “Set a firm one-year timetable to withdraw U.S. troops and turn Iraq’s security over to their own forces.”
16 percent say, “Withdraw U.S. troops immediately — Iraqis must take responsibility for their own government and security.”
16 percent suggested another option.
One reader commented, “I wish we could withdraw right away, but I think we have a responsibility to do all that we can to repair the damage we have done in Iraq. I’d stay for one year more.”
Cremation or Burial
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll question beginning Nov. 15, 2007, asked, “In Arkansas Catholic this week we read that Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Hot Springs Village, like several other parishes, recently built a columbarium to house the ashes of their parishioners who choose to be cremated after death. How do you prefer your remains to be handled after your death?”
Traditional burial: 25 percent
Cremation: 67 percent
Other: 8 percent
No one said they would donate their remains to science.
Paying for Catholic schools
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll question beginning Nov. 8, 2007, asked, “Arkansas’ Catholic Schools are featured in a special section this week. Many Catholic schools are subsidized by money from their parish; others sustain themselves only by tuition and fundraising. Should Catholic schools be required to be self-supporting?”
72 percent said no
28 percent said yes
One reader commented, “Parishes are also benefactors of Catholic schools and should gladly ’chip in.’ It used to be that Catholic churches ran their own schools. Churches as well as schools are community institutions and should gladly support their faith-based schools.”
Cemetery visits
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll question beginning Oct. 31, 2007, asked,, “In preparation for All Souls Day, Arkansas Catholic featured stories about Catholic individuals and parishes taking care of cemeteries around the state. When was the last time you visited a cemetery, including for a funeral?”
Within the past month: 31 percent
Within the past year: 50 percent
Two to five years ago: 12 percent
More than five years ago: 6 percent
Attending Latin Mass
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll question beginning Oct. 25, 2007, asked, “In Arkansas Catholic this week, we read about priests attending a Tridentine Rite (Latin) Mass during their recent meeting. If a Latin Mass was offered in your area, would you attend regularly?”
53 percent said yes.
27 percent said no.
20 percent said, “I already attend Latin Mass regularly.”
Saying the Rosary
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll question beginning Oct. 18, 2007, asked, “Observances of rosary events are in the news this week. Where do you like to say the rosary? (Choose all that apply.)”
in a church or chapel: 30 percent
in the car: 30 percent
I rarely or never say the rosary: 30 percent
in my bedroom: 20 percent
in my den or living room: 10 percent
No one said they pray the rosary sitting outside or during their lunch break at work.
Gifts for children
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll question beginning Oct. 11, 2007, asked, “A news story in Arkansas Catholic this week talks about the challenges of choosing children’s toys and gifts that reflect appropriate values, yet are fun. Another challenge in choosing gifts for children is the cost. How much will you spend this Christmas on all gifts for children age 12 and younger?”
Less than $50: 33 percent
$50 to $100: 11 percent
$101 to $300: 44 percent
$301 to $500: 11 percent
No one polled said they would spend more than $500 on gifts this year.
Arkansas Catholic’s weekly poll question beginning Oct. 4, 2007, asked, “Before reading this week’s news story, I thought “excommunication” meant …”
An excommunicated person can go to Mass, but can’t take Communion. 79%
An excommunicated person can repent and come back to full communion with the Church. 72%
An excommunicated person is kicked out of the Church forever. 10%
A person who is excommunicated cannot go to Mass. 4%
I didn’t think about excommunication before I read the news story. 4%