FORT SMITH — On Jan. 13, Immaculate Conception Church parishioners gathered to celebrate the dedication of its new preschool building.
Expanding the elementary school’s educational program to include preschool was the top priority identified by parishioners in a 2004 survey, and when Radiologists PA put its medical building up for sale in the fall 2006, the parish realized that, with renovation, it could be transformed into classrooms for 3 and 4 year olds.
Immaculate Conception is following a growing trend for Catholic schools to expand their educational programs to serve 3 and 4 years olds. Twenty-three of the 26 elementary schools in the diocese offer preschool classes.
The parish bought the building, located across the street from its elementary school, in December 2006. Architectural plans were drawn up by April 2007, and renovations were completed in August, just in time for the preschoolers to start the school year. A preschool-sized playground was installed in December, but for many parishioners, the Jan. 13 dedication ceremony was their first opportunity to tour the new facility.
The interior of the building had been gutted and divided into four bright, spacious classrooms; a state-of-the-art computer lab, used by the entire school, with 28 new computers; and a new office for Sherry Scorby, the school’s development director.
This school year, there are two classes — a 3-year-old class and a 4-year-old class — but two more classes are planned for next year, and there is already a waiting list of interested families.
Parishioner Trey Jackson registered his son Luke early.
“My wife went to Immaculate Conception School,” he said. “We have a 3- and 1 year-old, and are expecting our third child. We came back to Fort Smith after living in D.C. and Virginia and are happy to have a preschool.”
Anne Kupers, who teaches the 4 year olds and has three children attending Immaculate Conception Elementary School, said, “This school has been such a blessing to my whole family.”
Before presenting roses to principal Sharon Blentlinger and faculty, Fort Smith Mayor Ray Baker praised the school for “blazing new trails and forging new heights.”
Pastor Msgr. Richard Oswald said, “We are here to bless this building and set it aside for (God’s) service.”
After leading everyone in prayer, the pastor walked through the building and sprinkled each room with holy water.
The preschool offers two half-day options — from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. three or five days a week. Extended care is available from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. and from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. There are currently 12 students in the 3-year-old class and 15 students in the 4-year-old class. About 10 students participate in the extended-day program.
“The preschool calendar is the same as the elementary school program,” Blentlinger said. “Quite a few families have expressed an interest in summer care, and I plan to explore that option over the next few months.”
“The addition of a 3- and 4-year old preschool has been a need for our parish and our school for many years,” Blentlinger said. “To finally realize it is very exciting and working with these children is rewarding. I.C. Preschool offers an excellent age-appropriate program with dedicated and degreed teachers.”
Kim and Ronnie Testa, who attended the dedication ceremony with their three daughters, fourth-grader Sarah Beth, 4-year-old Claire and 1-year-old Leah, agreed.
“I think it is wonderful that Claire’s in a Catholic preschool and is learning academic and religious aspects,” Kim Testa said.