October is Respect Life Month in the Catholic Church. This section reflects on what it means to honor the dignity of every human life, especially the most vulnerable and least valued in our society.
Click on a headline below to read selected stories from the special Respect Life section, which appeared in the Oct. 6, 2007, issue of Arkansas Catholic.
Receiving the mercy of God after abortion
Project Rachel serves women of all faiths who need healing
Social teaching is all about respecting life
A 16-year-old girl describing the lessons of a recent program based on Catholic social teaching said, “It’s all about respect for life.” This simple truth, clearly stated by one of our youngest Catholics, is the framework for all the Church’s social teachings and the ministries it carries out in response to the Gospel.
Parishes, schools hold respect life events
A variety of activities are planned throughout October to reflect upon and pray for life. The following were submitted to Arkansas Catholic. For more, contact your parish or school to find out what is happening in your area.
Chastity programs bring about communication
Living a chaste life goes much deeper than choosing to abstain from sex. That’s the message that Elizabeth Reha, family life director for the Diocese of Little Rock, has been trying to impart to young Catholics and their parents for more than 14 years.
Caring for an aging loved one is pro-life
If you’re a family caregiver, we thank you for what you do. It may never have occurred to you that care-giving is pro-life. Your compassion, dedication and hard work are testimonies to the value of human life.
Parishioners spiritually adopt unborn babies at risk
Baby showers feting multiple births are commonplace today, but parishioners at Mary Mother of God Church in Harrison are planning a celebration to honor more than 100 newborn babies.
The mentally ill are also in God’s image
Pope John Paul II wrote: “Whoever suffers from mental illness ’always’ bears God’s image and likeness in themselves, as does every human being. In addition, they ’always’ have the inalienable right not only to be considered as an image of God and therefore a person, but also to be treated as such.”
Battle to protect unborn continues as issues arise
In addition to the many aspects of the abortion issue itself, other assaults on human life now occupy respect life efforts in the Catholic Church.
For the complete contents of Arkansas Catholic’s Oct. 6 issue, see the print or online edition. Subscribe today, so you don’t miss an issue!