Springdale school sees 74 students on first day

Debuting their new school's uniforms, St. Raphael preschool students perform "This Little Light of Mine" May 20 in Springdale. The uniforms are burgundy, navy and white in solids and plaids.
Debuting their new school's uniforms, St. Raphael preschool students perform "This Little Light of Mine" May 20 in Springdale. The uniforms are burgundy, navy and white in solids and plaids.

SPRINGDALE — The Diocese of Little Rock’s largest parish now has its own school.
On Aug. 16, St. Raphael School opened for students in kindergarten to third grade.
The pre-school, which opened in 2004 as an introduction to Catholic education in Washington County, will continue to serve 3 and 4 year olds.
It is the first Catholic school in Arkansas to open in the past eight years.
Principal Karen LaMendola said 95 percent of the school’s 74 students are Catholic. Additional grades will be added each year through junior high.
The school could have accepted 125 students its first year, LaMendola said. She expects enrollment to increase as more people learn about the school and as the region’s population growth continues.
“The variety and quality of schools is a major decision-maker for new families moving in,” LaMendola said. “Providing a quality Catholic school will attract many new families to the area.”
Opening a new school in northwest Arkansas is an important ministry for St. Raphael Church as the region considers opening a high school in the area some day.
“A school adds another dimension to the parish family,” said LaMendola, who was a teacher and principal in Heber Heights, Ohio, before moving to Springdale in 2004. “Just as families have children, it is important for a parish to have that aspect. The school gives us a chance to evangelize to the children and to the parents of each individual family. The future vision of the diocese is to have a northwest Arkansas regional Catholic high school.
“The success of our preschool and the addition of the elementary grades will help to make the future plans a reality.”
Vernell Bowen, diocesan superintendent of schools, said opening a school in Springdale was recommended to the Diocese of Little Rock in 2003 when it first considered building a high school. Elementary schools, also called “feeder schools,” are already serving students in Fayetteville and Rogers.
“The enrollment in St. Raphael’s over the next few years will have a positive impact on enrollment for a future high school,” she said.
Bowen said opening a school in Springdale was necessary.
“St. Raphael Parish has been one of the fastest-growing parishes (in the state),” Bowen said. “Over the past 10 years, due to the rapid growth, it has been very difficult to meet the needs of all the parishioners. It is wonderful that the parish now considers a school as part of their mission.”
LaMendola has been working on the school opening for the past 10 months, creating the mission and philosophy of the school, hiring teachers, reviewing proposed textbooks and developing the curriculum. Through donors, the principal said she has created a technology program and a fund for tuition assistance.
“The best part of opening a school is that I have been building relationships with wonderful parents and students that will continue to grow for many years,” she said.
The school has not yet had to consider its own building project, LaMendola said. The parish’s new educational wing and multipurpose room will be used for classrooms, the cafeteria and gymnasium.
“At this time we are unable to determine when more facilities will need to be built. We are just completing the large construction project that provides for the school, which is such a blessing,” she said.

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