FORT SMITH — Between the premieres of “Spiderman 3” and “Fantastic Four, Rise of the Silver Surfer,” Father Tom Elliott, pastor of Christ the King Church, addressed Southside High School’s Class of 2007 at their baccalaureate ceremony May 20.
“God needs a hero,” Father Elliott told them, explaining the difference between Hollywood comic book heroes and true heroes — men and women who will live out their vocations, whatever they may be, with “zeal and passion, fidelity and integrity.”
It gave the senior class an ecumenical glimpse of the priest’s musical road show, designed to help students discern their vocations, a multimedia experience centered around his latest CD, “Rock of Souls.”
“Power, glory; same old story.
True heroes live for God’s glory.
God needs a hero,” Elliott sang, using a background track featuring the vocal talents of Southside High School students Jill Gordon and Ashlyn Metheny, University of Arkansas at Fort Smith student Zac Werley, and young pianist Jacob Schwartz.
Father Elliott’s newest CD features a variety of songs from Christian rock and pop to contemporary praise and worship.
A major theme in the music is recognizing, accepting and living out one’s vocation no matter what it may be. The song “Why Have You Chosen Me?” reflects a person’s inadequacy in light of the awesome responsibilities with which God has entrusted to everyone, ending with the line, “I may not understand, but I’m thankful.”
Many lyrics are taken from prayers and hymns combined in a unique way. “Full of Grace” uses two prayers, the Hail Mary and the Magnificat, to reflect on Mary’s loving obedience to God’s call. “When the Spirit of the Lord” features a new rendition of an old song, ending with “King of Kings.”
Father Elliott’s composing style has changed over the years.
“I used to work on the lyrics and the music at the same time and now I usually write songs without having any instrument in my hands,” he said. “I’m not worried about guitar chords or key changes; I’m more concerned about expressing what’s in my heart.”
To communicate his vocations message more effectively, Father Elliott, 34, has made his latest CD, Web site and concerts multimedia experiences.
“Rock of Souls” is an enhanced CD. If played on a personal computer, song lyrics and links will appear as the music plays, and the title track can be seen in video format. In his video, Father Elliott, dressed in leather jacket and helmet, rides his motorcycle through the hallways of Christ the King School, takes a detour around the church grounds, drives into the church vestibule and appears in his vestments just in time for Mass.
Father Elliott hopes to bring his concert to Catholic schools throughout the state and the region. His kickoff concert, held Sunday, June 3 at Columbus Acres in Fort Smith, was well attended by an enthusiastic crowd.
“The song I found was most inspiring was ’God Needs a Hero,’” Sacred Heart of Mary parishioner and parent Jeff Hines said. “After Father Tom sang, he asked anyone who felt God was calling him to some work in his life to come up and receive a prayer card for vocations. Many people came to the stage.”
Father Elliott’s Web site at serves as a control headquarters for his music and spiritual ministry. Music from all three of his CDs, “From Sunrise to Sunset,” “Hope Beyond All Hope,” and “Rock of Souls” are available in MP3, iPod and PDF lyrics format. “Rock of Souls” features Father Elliott discussing the meaning of the songs on video recorded by parishioner Shawn Adair.
Under “teachings,” written texts of Father Elliott’s homilies for the past three months are posted. His blog contains more daily reflections.
Copies of his CDs can be ordered by mail under “shopping,” and visitors to the site can order concert packets under “bookings.”
“Churches and schools do not pay for the concert,” Father Elliott said. “They can pre-sell CDs and make money from them.”
Any proceeds Father Elliott realizes exceeding his travel expenses and production costs are donated to several ministries at Christ the King Church and School and the Diocese of Little Rock. Father Elliott brings all his own video and sound equipment to the concert, needing just a few volunteers to help him set up.
The church and school concerts are slightly different. Both encourage people to be heroes for Christ using multimedia format. The school concerts, besides encouraging vocations to the priesthood and religious life, address issues such as bullying, sibling rivalry and obedience.
The song “I’m Not Gonna Wait” tells listeners, “Sunday’s the day we open the Word, but all week long it needs to be heard.” Using his CD, Web site and concerts, Father Elliott hopes to bring God’s call for heroes throughout the state.