Vocations 2007: Are you being called?

Click on a headline below to read selected stories from the special Vocations Section which appeared in the May 12, 2007, issue of Arkansas Catholic.

Sisters’ vocation rooted in Christ’s love of poor
Daughters of Charity serve the poor and enjoy worldwide community support

How do I know if I have a religious vocation?

Monk never imagined this life for himself
Brother Patrick’s life changed forever once he heard Spirit in others

’Come and See’ events reveal truth about seminary life

How do I discern a call to the priesthood?

Religious terms defined

What can I do to promote vocations?

Religious orders in Arkansas vary in ministries and cultures

Thinking about priesthood?
Contact your local pastor or Msgr. Scott Friend, diocesan vocations director, at (501) 664-0340 or e-mail him through the Vocations Office page on the diocesan Web site at www.dolr.org.

Meet our seminarians
Information about seminarians for the Diocese of Little Rock can be found on the diocesan Web site. Read their profiles on the Vocations Office page.

For the complete contents of Arkansas Catholic’s May12 issue, see the print edition. Subscribe today, so you don’t miss an issue!

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