Friday 13th a lucky day for Catholic High students and rector

A painting by Barry Thomas was presented to "Father Fred" at his birthday party April 13.
A painting by Barry Thomas was presented to "Father Fred" at his birthday party April 13.

Friday, April 13, was cold and rainy, but it turned into a lucky day for the students of Catholic High School and for Catholic High’s rector, Msgr. Lawrence Frederick.
Afternoon classes were adjourned to the parking lot where a large barrel held old, worn-out ties that would be sacrificed for the tie-burning ceremony.
This tradition marks the last day of the school year that students are required to wear ties to class. Students watched from a safe distance as chemistry teacher Jim Edge added chemicals to the barrel and set an electronic ignition switch. Since the day was also to be a 70th birthday celebration for Msgr. Frederick, Edge gave him the honor of flipping the switch that sent the ties up in smoke. There was no reason for worry; a Little Rock Fire Department truck was parked nearby.
All 650 students and their teachers then went to the school’s main gym. The assembly there first honored all the athletes of spring sports including track, baseball and soccer. Next on the agenda was a presentation by the Catholic High Skit Cheerleaders. They offered their version of “This Is Your Life” with “Father Fred” as the subject of their program. Next, alumni representative Rick Gallagher presented Msgr. Frederick with a check for $110,000 made out to the Frederick Family Scholarship Fund. Alumni members, parents and friends of Catholic High donated the funds in honor of Msgr. Frederick’s birthday. Interest from this money will fund a scholarship in perpetuity for a boy each year who wishes to attend Catholic High but is financially unable to do so.
The assembly ended even more happily with cake for everyone. Students then returned to their afternoon classes which were shortened thanks to their rector.
Later Friday evening, several hundred alumni, parents and friends of Msgr. Frederick gathered at Catholic High to wish him a happy 70th birthday. Members of the Catholic High jazz band entertained the crowd who viewed posters made from childhood photos of Msgr. Frederick and his family. Gallagher once again presented the scholarship fund check to Msgr. Frederick, commenting that the amount of the check had risen considerably since it had been printed.
Msgr. Frederick received a final gift that evening. Barry Thomas, a noted Little Rock artist and graduate of Catholic High, painted a portrait of Msgr. Frederick to be put in a place of honor in the school.

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