CHARLESTON — Sacred Heart Church has a winning game plan for evangelization.
The parish of 230 families welcomes an average of six new members into the Church each year. In the past two years, four high school coaches — two from Greenwood High School and two from Charleston High School — have completed Sacred Heart’s Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults process.
Their conversion stories, viewed together, are a how-to manual for winning souls for Christ. All point to the example of family and friends, a caring faith community, an “awesome” pastor, a strong Knights of Columbus council, and, most of all, the influence of the Holy Spirit.
Greenwood baseball coach Craig Jones was initially drawn to Catholicism because of his wife Laura’s devotion to the faith. Greenwood football and baseball coach Greg Kendrick praised his wife Marla’s positive attitude and her great walk with God.
Charleston boys’ basketball and golf coach Randy Terry, who joined Sacred Heart Church with his wife Sandy in 2006, said, “My son-in-law, Derek, was Catholic, and my daughter converted soon after their marriage.”
“I was impressed with his love for God and commitment to Church and family,” Randy Terry said. “Also, I had the opportunity at school to observe several of my Catholic students and was equally impressed with the excellence they possessed and the quality and simplicity of life they led.”
Charleston girls’ basketball coach Billy Jack “B.J.” Ross, a former student of Coach Terry, also completed the RCIA process with his wife Marsha this spring. They joined the Church with their two children, Brayden, 5, and Rylee, 2, and call their sponsors, Kevin and Dee Verkamp, “part of our family.”
In addition to family and friends, they all found a welcoming atmosphere in Sacred Heart Church and the larger Catholic community.
“I enjoy the closeness of the Catholic family. It does not matter where I go, I can step into a Catholic Church and not feel out of place or like a stranger,” Jones said.
Ross noted that when he and Marsha started attending RCIA sessions, they felt right at home.
Randy and Sandy Terry found a caring, supportive community in a time of need.
“The Catholic Church has ministered greatly to my wife Sandy during our battle to defeat breast cancer,” Terry said. “The sacrament of healing, the prayers of all the caring people, and most of all a loving Savior, who suffered more than any, has made our lives happy, enriched and fulfilled.”
Father Peter Sharum, OSB, Sacred Heart’s pastor, who recently celebrated his 80th birthday and his 50th anniversary as a priest, is a living example of faith to all the coaches.
“His concern for the parishioners, his love for the Church, his easygoing style and his vow that has led him to serve Christ for over 40 years gave us an overwhelming feeling of protection and love,” Terry said.
Sacred Heart’s Knights of Columbus council also played a part in their conversions.
“We’ve just finished our series of six Lenten fish fries,” said Mark Verkamp, who is the parish RCIA coordinator. “We raised $4,000 for charity. Coach Terry was there serving fish and cleaning up every Friday night. It’s a great way to evangelize. We also carry the Lighthouse media series in the back of the Church. Anyone can get the CDs for free or for a small donation. The CDs explain Catholicism in the words of Scott Hahn, Archbishop Sheen, Father Corapi, Mother Teresa and others.”
“I think I own every one of those CDs,” Kendrick said.
Several coaches felt their conversions were a response to the call of the Holy Spirit.
“I was most strongly influenced to become Catholic by the power of the Holy Spirit,” Ross said. “In October of 2006 I was in one of my best friend’s weddings and had an experience that was unexplainable. I thought it was just because of the wedding and the emotions but as the next few weeks went by I still had a bunch of questions and odd feelings. My wife and I started researching the Catholic religion and began to go to RCIA classes. Immediately we felt at home and the unexplained feeling was now explained.”
Randy and Sandy Terry also joined the Church because of a powerful experience of God’s presence.
“Son-in-law, students, prayer, close friends, and one bold venture later, Sandy and I were sitting on a pew at Sacred Heart one Sunday morning,” Randy Terry said. “Immediately, we felt the presence of God and knew we were entering into something greater than we could have ever imagined or hoped for.”
The four coaches and their families have formed strong bonds as a result of their newfound Catholic faith.
“RCIA helped me establish a stronger relationship and closer friendship with three outstanding men,” Jones said.
Catholicism has also influenced their coaching styles. It helped Terry put less emphasis on wins and losses, and more emphasis on effort and attitude. It helped Jones handle situations calmly.
But, most importantly, Kendrick said, “I have gotten back to the roots of my profession, which is to positively impact young kids’ lives. I search for ways to be a positive impact on my students and players that I come in contact with on a daily basis.”
There seems to be little doubt that these new converts will continue Sacred Heart Church’s tradition of inspiring and welcoming newcomers with their vibrant and living faith.