Brother Patrick Boland made his first profession as a Benedictine at Subiaco Abbey during a ceremony Feb. 2 before prior Father David Bellinghausen, OSB, and subprior Brother Ephrem O’Bryan, OSB
A native of Northeast, Pa., Brother Patrick was joined at the ceremony by employees and monks of Subiaco Abbey and Academy and members of the Knights of Columbus who were attending the state council retreat that weekend. His family was unable to attend because of inclement weather.
Before joining Subiaco Abbey, Brother Patrick was a campus minister at Mount de Sales Academy in Macon, Ga. He recently completed his novitiate year. The last step for the 44-year-old to take is temporary vows for three years.
“Through spiritual direction and prayer, I’m here and will continue that discernment for three more years,” he said. “The most difficult thing is being so far from my family and friends, but the longer I stay the more friends I’ve been making and the community is very much like family.”