Sandy Compas
Sandy Compas had a passion for teaching religion to children and adults for 20 years. As the associate director for religious education and Christian initiation for the Diocese of Little Rock for the past three years, she was able to spread the faith across the state.
The diocesan offices were eerily silent Monday morning, Dec. 4 when the news broke that Compas was killed in a car accident the night before near Bald Knob. She was returning to the state from a friend’s diaconate ordination in Missouri. She was 44.
Msgr. J. Gaston Hebert, diocesan administrator, and Dennis Lee, chancellor for administrative affairs, gathered employees in Morris Hall Chapel at St. John Center in Little Rock to share the news and lead them in a rosary for the repose of Compas’ soul. At noon Msgr. Hebert celebrated a Mass for the Dead in the chapel.
She is survived by her mother, Mildred; and one sister, Lynn. Funeral arrangements are pending.
See this week’s Arkansas Catholic for more about Compas’ contributions to the diocese.