Discernment events are opportunities to explore vocations

The following events over the next year are designed for men and women considering vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Carmel of St. Teresa of Jesus, Little Rock
The Carmelite Monastery of St. Teresa of Jesus will host a “Come and See Day” during Lent 2007 for women considering a vocation as a discalced Carmelite nun. Women will learn about the Teresian monastic contemplative life in the Church. For more information, contact Sister Mary Alice Grace, OCD, vocations director, at (501) 565-5121 or visit www.littlerockcarmel.org.

Holy Angels Convent, Jonesboro
Any woman aged 16-50 is welcome to schedule a “Come and See” visit with the Olivetan Benedictine Sisters of Holy Angels Convent at any time. These visits may vary from a weekend to a month. Participants take part in community life and other activities to discover the reality of religious life. There is no cost, but registration is required. For more information, call Sister M. Thérèse Johnson, OSB, vocations director, at (870) 935-5810 or visit www.olivben.org.

St. Scholastica Monastery, Fort Smith
To learn more about the Benedictine Sisters at St. Scholastica Monastery, women ages 17-45 may register for one of three “Come and See Monastic Live In Experiences” to be held Nov. 17-18, Jan. 5-6 and April 28-29 at the Fort Smith monastery. Registration begins at 4 p.m. and concludes at noon the following day. For women interested in an extended visit, a “Monastic Observership” may be scheduled for up to three months.
The annual “Consider Your Call Discernment Retreat” is scheduled for July 26-30, 2007, at St. Scholastica Monastery in Fort Smith. The five-day experience is designed to allow women ages 17-45 to learn about the Benedictine way of life. Participants will have the opportunity to meet Benedictine religious and learn about their lifestyles.
For more information on these programs, call Sister Kimberly Rose Prohaska, OSB, vocations director, at (479) 783-4147 or visit www.scholasticafortsmith.org.

Subiaco Abbey, Subiaco
The “Vocation Discernment Retreat” will be July 26-30, 2007, at Subiaco Abbey. The event includes talks, prayer and dinner with the Benedictine community and provides an opportunity to learn more about the monastic life and be alone with God. The retreat is open to single Catholic men ages 18-45. For more information, contact Brother Francis Kirchner, OSB, vocations director, at (479) 934-1047, e-mail him at brfrancis@subi.org or visit www.subi.org/abbey.htm.

Daughters of Charity
A “Come and See” vocations event with the Daughters of Charity will be held Saturday, Oct. 14 in Gould (Lincoln County). The religious order invites single women interested in a religious vocation to visit with them and see where they live, how they pray and what they do. The next weekend retreat with the sisters will be held Dec. 1-3 in San Antonio. For more information, call the sisters in Gould at (870) 263-4761 or the vocations office at (314) 533-4770, ext. 103.

Diocesan Vocations Office
For young men interested in diocesan priesthood, a “Come and See” visit to Holy Trinity Seminary in Dallas and Saint Joseph Seminary College in Covington, La., will be offered in February for those who are high school seniors and older.
In addition, an English-language vocations retreat for those interested in diocesan priesthood will be offered in late spring in Little Rock. The date and details are yet to be determined.
For more information about these events, contact your local pastor or Msgr. Scott Friend, diocesan vocations director, at (501) 664-0340 or visit the Vocations and Seminarians Office page at www.dolr.org.

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