The Diocese of Little Rock launched its Web site at Sept. 15. The site will be the official source where Catholics in Arkansas and beyond the borders can get information about diocesan offices and services, parishes and schools.
The front page links to several valuable resources for visitors. A calendar of events, originally published in July in Arkansas Catholic, will list coming diocesan, parish and school activities. A link to the top stories on Arkansas Catholic’s Web site,, is also featured. Visitors can also easily access the daily Scripture readings for the day by clicking on that day’s feast day or memorial.
Some of the other features are:
Mass times searchable by region and parish phone numbers, Web sites and e-mail addresses.
Listing of schools and their Web sites, searchable by region.
Listing of diocesan offices and staff e-mail directory. Many of the offices will offer their newsletters, brochures and flyers that visitors can print off as they need them.
Access to the diocese’s resource library collection, including books and videos, which can be checked out to registered users. The resources are loaned for a 21-day period.
Links to popular sites like the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Vatican and Little Rock Scripture Study.
A section in Spanish listing diocesan services and Mass times.
Employment section containing openings for paid positions in the diocese, parishes and schools.
Visitors to the site are invited to submit parish and school events to the calendar by filling out a form online or e-mailing Tara Little.
The Web site was designed by James Little of Mmerse Internet firm in Sherwood. Tara Little, associate editor of Arkansas Catholic, is the webmaster.