A Prayer to the Shepherd

The following prayer was given to employees of the Diocese of Little Rock May 16 to pray each day during the episcopal transition. All Catholics in Arkansas are encouraged to pray this prayer and share it with others.

God, provident and good, You are our eternal shepherd and guide. We pray that you will watch over us and protect us in this time of change. Grant to us, the people of the Diocese of Little Rock, a time of transition filled with your peace. And until you call another to follow the shepherds who have lead us so faithfully in the past, we ask that you anoint one who will walk in your ways, and whose watchful care will bring us your blessing.

May this time of transition also be an uneventful time, lacking turmoil and discord and marked with your protection and your peace. May we always know that you are watching over your flock and may we attentively listen to your voice.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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