Dear Friends in Christ:
As we begin a new year, I am pleased to recommend to you our diocesan newspaper, Arkansas Catholic. Each week Arkansas Catholic brings news regarding our diocese and the Church universal, as well as commentaries of interest on important issues and articles of a spiritual nature. It is also my pleasure to write a weekly column as one of the ways of staying in touch with the faithful of our diocese.
I am pleased with the way Arkansas Catholic has developed over the years. First published in 1911 as The Southern Guardian and four years later as simply The Guardian, it has continued to serve the needs of the Catholic community of Arkansas as Arkansas Catholic since 1986. It has become one of the finest Catholic newspapers in the country and represents our diocese well. I encourage you to renew your subscription to Arkansas Catholic this year, or if you are not yet a subscriber, to consider subscribing this year. I can assure you that you will not be disappointed in its quality.
May this new year bring many blessings to you and your loved ones. I promise that you all have a place in my daily prayer.
Sincerely in Christ,
J. Peter Sartain
Bishop of Little Rock