Ladies of Charity of Arkansas, Little Rock
The mission of the Ladies of Charity is “to serve rather than be served in humility, simplicity and charity.” The “Pay It Forward” project has provided many opportunities for members to carry out this mission during the Lenten season! Each of our 40 members was challenged to serve those in need using their God-given gifts along with 5 ’talents’ ($5) distributed as part of “Pay It Forward.”
There have been countless examples of people reaching out to help one another over the past four weeks. Here are some of the incredible blessings:
Hundreds of homemade cookies have been baked and delivered to Stewpot to serve the homeless.
Handmade blankets and other items have been made for the layette and quilt ministry for local pregnancy resource centers.
Several students have been sponsored to attend the LC Art Camp for foster, homeless and immigrant children.
The LCArk Urban Garden is now sprouting with winter vegetables tended by and serving the elderly.
Food for the poor, disaster relief, school supplies and toys have been donated to local helping agencies.
With inspiration from the “Parable of the Talents,” our “talent$” have multiplied many times over the initial investment.
Members have reached out to their families, friends, co-workers and neighbors to join them in their mission to serve others. As a result, several women have expressed interest in becoming a Lady of Charity and will be joining us for our next general meeting at Holy Souls April 7 or at a Member/Guest Brunch on April 18. More information about the Ladies of Charity of Arkansas can be found at
As Holy Week approaches and the project draws to a close, we look forward to celebrating the events that surround the ultimate act of “Paying It Forward” in the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
— Sandy DeCoursey, executive vice president
St. John School, Hot Springs
My eighth graders were so moved by Father Hart’s PowerPoint (presentation) on his mission trip to Haiti that they wanted to do something for the students from St. Andrew Parish and School in Calledare, Haiti. The students are very poor, their classrooms are primitive and their school lunches consist of just beans and rice. We are so blessed here in the United States; we felt the need to reach out and help those who are less fortunate.
My student’s “Mission Monday Project” of selling cupcakes to the students at St. John School was planned before we were fortunate enough to win the “Pay It Forward” contest. Our goal was to raise enough money to provide school supplies, supplement the lunch program and buy a new soccer ball for the school in Haiti.
Because of the $100 grant, we have been able to take our fundraiser beyond just our school. We have been selling cupcakes and religious items to the three parishes in Garland County. The adults have been so generous with additional donations, that our dream of helping the students of Haiti has grown significantly.
We are looking forward to tallying our total money at the end of Lent and sending all our proceeds to help Father Banive Beralte, the pastor of St. Andrew Parish and School in Haiti. Hopefully our small project, conceived by 12 eighth-grade students at St. John School in Hot Springs, will have far-reaching effects and those who receive our help will “Pay It Forward” to others in need. Thanks for this opportunity to serve God’s people during this time of Lent.
— Linda Good, teacher